Saturday, June 26, 2010

International Baccaluareate- "Omg, social and mental suicide!"

I.B. scores come out a week from Tuesday! For the 5 people (Margoth, Kali, Josh, Jesus, and myself) are all probably insanely nervous. I have officially deemed July 6th, 2010 at 15:45:00 GMT to be our doomsday. We all probably think the others will pass, but still question ourself (at least I do...). Based on past scores, Margoth is probably least likely to pass at the moment because of nasty chemistry, but she is an excellent artist and I would not be surprised to see her get a 6 or 7/7 there. I, on the other hand, was the most idiotic suicidal I.B. student of everyone and naively took both chemistry and biology (our science program is absolutely horrid). I am screaming sonorously in the back of my brain- trying to justify and analyze everyone's scores to ensure we all pass, as you can already see... :)

Now moving away from this so I don't get too worked up...
As you may have also noticed, I am up at 5am in the morning. My sleep patterns are so screwed up at the moment that I cannot differentiate night from day, nor gauge what day of the week it is either. Sometimes I will sleep until 6pm and then the next day I will wake up at 6am and go back to sleep at 6pm. Maybe someday, maybe someday I will actually sleep in regular cycles. God knows what this is doing to my brain!

Today I also scheduled for a date to take the 710 Clerical Abilities Postal Exam. I am attempting to get a job with the post office at the moment. They pay about 13-14$ an hour, which is really good. I am hoping that I pass and get the job, at least for the summer and probably for at least another month or two into the fall. According to Leif, college is easier than I.B. was, so perhaps I will be able to work part-time and go to school full time. I figure, if you are going to do something, then you might as well go all out! You will never be able to better yourself nor test your limits if you don't...

Yesterday, I went to Leatherbye's and it was rather delcious! I got a Daddy Doug's (for my birthday). I already ate every drop of it! *_* I ate it all while I was playing SOCOM on the PS3 with my friend, "I_Am_Ninja." I also had fun acting like a psychotic drunk lesbian with my other friend from Texas, "Candy." I attempted to act manly on there, but that merely resulted in massive ridicule, so I just went all out and claimed to be a girl- it just seemed easier. Plus, it is fun when I kick their trash because guys have really large ego's and are easily angered when beat by a girl. I suppose this paragraph goes well with the title of my blog. Now you all know my dirty little secrets!

For my birthday I got a "Trac" phone, one of those prepaid ones. I was also given a decent sum of money ($100) to spend on computer parts. However, I don't think I will be able to buy a new computer quite yet. I searched on Ebay (my favorite site of all time) and various other sites for cheap computer parts (motherboards, processors, heat sinks, video cards, etc...), but I figure that I will not be able to buy everything quite yet with the $300 or so dollars I have saved up. I will probably have to wait a while. I guess we will see how it all goes.

Lastly, I have been working on building my trivia site. So far I feel like I haven't gotten very far. I have read a tutorial on Javascript on the W3 website. Recently, however, I have been reading a PHP, MySQL, Javascript book that I got from the library. I have read approximately 100pgs. There is a ton of crap I still need to learn...I suppose if I can't force myself to learn how to do this, then perhaps I should not be majoring in computer science this fall. I am not 100% sure this is the right major for me but I a) eventually want to launch a trivia site b) work for the government 3) want a major that includes computers, math and science. According to some lame (but amazingly fairly accurate) psychology test I took on Facebook I am most predisposed to do well as 1. Chemistry 2. Mathematics 3. Computer Science major. I guess I will just have to do it and see how it all goes. Last random tidbit: the Glee finale was excellent! I think I am going to go and play the spelling bee game on If anyone is nerdy enough, I am up for a challenger to try and beat me! Au revoir!

Word of the Day: licentious- lacking moral discipline, especially sexually unrestrained;

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