Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ubuntu is just as insane as windows...sometimes anyways!

I made a partition on my HDD so I could do a dual windows-ubuntu boot-up. I have really enjoyed using Ubuntu, for the most part. The ups:

1) It is totally free and easy to download/install
2) You can encrypt just about everything and anything- or manage permissions
3) Interface is simple, cute, and allows for easy multi-tasking
4) Rythmbox allows me to switch between my music, internet radio, and podcasts with one click.
5) There's not a ton of extra garbage and superfluous processes to rape the computer of all it's speed.

However, despite all these Pro's I still find coding in PHP easily and efficiently (the way I want) just as mental or even more so than Windows. You must have Apache correctly configured along with Eclipse in order for you to view your PHP files on the web browser. I have been denied access, been given broken link errors, or simply have only been able to download the .php files. I think I have had every possible circumstance occur except for the one I least I have memorized basically all the commands and directories (/var/www$ sudo chmod 700, etc..)! I can't get the server to correctly parse the .php files/code and output to the browser?! I think I am just going to have to say: "screw it...!"

On to other weird oddities...Today my Dad came in and said: "Guess what I found in your car today?!"
My response: "What?"
"A condom!"
"In the cup holder."

Immediately I wondered what kind of licentious immature idiot would do that? Immediately I thought: my sister or my aunt. I asked both my mom and sister and we all independently came to the same conclusion. We can exclude my aunt from the possibilities because it would be highly unlikely that she stole my keys and slipped it in my car, which by process of elimination leaves my sister. Why she would do that is unclear, except that she wanted me to get in trouble? Weirdo...

Oh, I suppose I didn't mention why I excluded myself from the list of supsects:
1) I am not stupid enough to leave a condom in plain sight. I have had about 10yrs of sneaking on the computer experience.
2) I have not used my car for like a week.
3) I would be too embarrassed to buy them in the first place.
4) My seemingly over-reactive "reaction" is simply exaggerated by the apparent joy attained by critically analyzing rather stupid and irrelevant situations just because I have nothing better to do. At least I am not putting condoms in people's cars, I find that even more pathetic! :)

However, an even more disturbing question one might ask is: "How and why does my little sister have access to condoms?"

Anyways, today I mostly played with Ubuntu, shot some fat cows up on the PS3, ate lots of deep fried and smothered in chocolate food, and read my PMS (PHP, MySQL, Javascript) book.

I also decided to stop looking at computer components because I determined that I am still too poor to build my own computer. Hopefully someday I will be able to dispose of this horrible 6yr old Dell computer (no offense my still semi-function!) I am also attempting to suppress my feelings of resentment, fear and excitement for IB scores on the 6th. Lastly, I tried out for the Word Cup. I got 14pts and did not do as well as I hoped. It says on my profile that I am ranked "1." Hopefully that means I made it to the semi-finals, but I really don't know? I will probably find out sometime in August. Well, I think that is all for today! I had better get to bed or my mom is going to be pissed tomorrow when I won't wake up.

Word of the Day: affenpinscher- a terrier-like toy breed of dog.
Song of the Day:

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