Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Lovely But Unusual Urge to Write

So, I have finally mustered enough inspiration to write another post for my blog (after a good two months or so). Yesterday I went and saw Resident Evil IV with my sister and her boyfriend. It was a decent movie. In 20yrs it will be worthless because it was mainly for cool explosions, special effects and violence. i thought it really lacked character development. I didn't feel compelled to get up out of my seat and scream: "Come on! Kill that fat cow zombie!" I could really care less who actually won in the end. I thought II and III were much better.

Prior to this we went over to my sister's boyfriend's house so he could take a shower (he got gasoline in his eyes when he was trying to fix my sister's car and wanted to try and mask it up with cologne). There was a little kid there and the first thing he asked was: "Are you a basketball player?" I was like, "no...?" Then he said I sounded like a girl, apologized and then left. It was a very interesting and awkward experience. I love outspoken people because it is funny to hear them state the obvious, whether it is rude or not. Although, whenever I meet someone like that the first thing that goes through their mind is "OMG?! That guy sounds like a girl. Weird..." But they can't help that a malformation in their brain suppresses their ability to repress thoughts and I can't help that my vocal chords are like tooth picks, so whatever! ;)

After that we went and got sushi, which was, as always, very interesting. I ate all kinds of weird things like raw eel, tuna and shrimp wrapped in seaweed and rice. Some of it was really good though, I have to admit.

In general, I have just been going to the University of Utah to get my bachelor's in Computer Science. I have doubts about whether I am really going to like CS, but then I am just like Whatever! I don't give a @#)$*! I am just going to finish and then see what to do from there.
My hobbies lately have consisted of playing SOCOM on the PS3, attempting to learn how to use FL Studio 8 and playing chess online with random people. Other than the fact that I start working at the USPS coding center this month I really don't have anything to say for the moment...Au revoir mes amis!

Word of the Day (or month, more likely): Crapulous (adj.): Sick from excessive indulgence in liquor. A derivative of the Latin adjective crapulosus meaning "intoxicated." My sister looked crapulous today after partying with her friend all night. ;)

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