Saturday, September 18, 2010

Self-Righteous Relatives Are Obnoxious...

My aunt is driving me into insanity. Her childishness is fun sometimes, especially when you are like 13yrs old, but as time goes by it just gets more annoying by the day. I am one who at least tries to establish and maintain a neutral relationship with everyone I meet, under the premise that I might need them someday and don't want to create drama. However, I don't know how much longer I can suppress my anger. Anyone who knows who I am talking about understands...

Our story begins the couples days before now...I am sitting on my computer, doing my homework as usual. Someone wrote a comment and so I just had to reply. I had been on for about 30secs when my Aunt is like: "Hey buddy! What are you doing?!" (Ok, in reality it was probably: "Whatcha doin hadsum guy?!!!!! im off wrk tumurrow", but that is besides the point). I triy to get rid of her, but she really wants me to do something with her because she has even less friends than I do (god forbid), lives alone and has worked as a cashier her whole life. I finally agree to let her come over and make dinner with me the next. She comes over and says she needs to go to the store and so I go with her...only to find out that she wanted to get fair tickets.

It's like, Oh great...I have tons of homework and have to wake up at 5:30am- now I am going to be stuck with a 45yr old woman (with a mentality of a 13yr old) for 6hrs. I get drug all the way out there and all we do the whole time is walk around aimlessly, watching ridiculous "shows" (if you can call them that), while eating overpriced quantities of highly concentrated morsels of fat and sugar. After wasting a good $50 on nasty tasting food my aunt wants to buy me this blanket. I told her like 500 times: "I do NOT want that!" So, she goes and buys it for me...I was totally pissed, especially when I put together everything I had heard her say that day, whereby I cam to the following conclusions about why she bought the damn blanket (oh, no...I swore shoot me Marie):
1) To make my little sister Maranda mad. They got in a fight a while back because she wouldn't go to Lagoon with her (for once, I don't blame her!).
2) To waste every single dime she had just because she's a psychopath.
3) For my supposed graduation gift, which was like 4 months ago- not to mention again that I didn't even want it...

Things have gotten increasingly worse with the advent of Facebook (at least once we showed her how to do it). Now she can stalk us 24/7. Today I was talking to this guy in Italy about this math problem. He mentioned Google and WolframAlpha, which I use almost every day, so I responded by saying something like: "Hooray for Google and Wolfie...I worship them religiously." She posted on one of my friends walls, who she doesn't even know, the following:"Some people worship worldly garbage...if you know what I mean." You know what?! I don't know what you mean, but I do think you should shove your creepy self-righteous stalker comments right up your hairy fat ass!

Ok, wow...that was a really long rant. I feel much better now...If you actually made it past all that, here are some of the things that might actually be remotely interesting.

Tomorrow I am going to the Dentist- in fact, in a couple hours...which is why I should probably get to bed in stead of writing crap on my blog. School is going relatively ok. Math is kind of tedious and stupid sometimes, but hopefully I will manage. Gov't is crap professor just rambles on and on (even worse than I do)! He always says: "I come here everyday prepared and all you do is text on your phones!" Ya, you come prepared to criticize idiotic college students. This is COLLEGE! Either kick them out or ignore them.

CS 1410 is going splendidly. Aside from the touchy semantics and often inevitable circumstances of gridlock when solving problems, it is going well and I am enjoying the majority of it. I am doing the whole book ignorance thing again though. I haven't picked up any of my books (except my Biology book, ironically). Still rambling...blah blah blah...really don't want to go to the Dentist! Oh, I start work next week too...that should be fun. Ok, I am now going to attempt to force myself to lie down in my bed and go to sleep.

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