Friday, October 22, 2010

China, KFC and Sexy Dancers!

In my computer science class I always sit next to this Chinese foreign exchange student and sometimes he just says the most hilarious things. He can't speak English very well, so half the time I am just staring at him with a blank face. First we were talking about KFC and he was wondering if I had ever been to the very first KFC and if I liked the buffit (as he called- aka "buffet"). Then he asked me if I was going to Crimson Nights, but I told him I had more fun eating binge food and watching an episode from one of my favorite TV series (Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Malcolm, Anne of Green Gables, Alias, Battlestar Gallactica, Stargate, Glee, Chuck, to name a 'few.') Anyhow, I responded by asking if he went to the 1st one they had and he said he did but that it was "very American party with lots of sexy dancing." Apparently they like to do Karaoke in China for parties, or at least that's what I got from the rest of our conversation.

In other news, this week was just about as god-awful as the last. Lots of working until 11pm and waking up at 5:30am. In fact, I did that today, and haven't really done anything except school, homework, travel and work, but I am still going (for some inexplicable reason...I will probably just randomly pass out like a psychotic narcoleptic, but oh well)! I did get my first check today, which was more than I have probably ever had in my whole life at one time, but of course it will all be going to pay for my lovely college tuition. *_*

Another interesting thing that happened to me was while I was taking a survey for the U of U about orientation. It wanted to know my sexual orientation. I didn't know which was most appropriate: gay, bi, straight (but obviously not transgendered because that's too expensive). I was having another personal indecisive dilemma until I saw asexual...
if (philophobic && virginal && non-reproductive) {
return asexual}
It is the perfect option for people who believe that everyone should only have sperm and egss extracted, which are cryonized and then the person is sterilized. Or for people who are simply afraid of intimacy or just feel incredibly awkward when other people touch them. I would have to say that I am one of those crazy people with absurd paranoia disorders (my mom is super paranoid about what we are doing, so maybe it is genetic or simply a maternal trait?). For example, I am scared that someone will hear me peeing in the bathroom or that I am breathing too loudly when I run. Either I am seriously disturbed or insanely insecure? Well, that was sufficiently awkward, now you know some of my darkest secrets don't you feel so special (for the 2 people who even periodically read my rants)?! :)

Oh, one last deep dark secret...I love singing Madonna on my computer microphone! I got this program called FL Studio and it has tons of features like multiband equalizers, autotuning, reverberators and all kinds of other weird things. And also anything by Kristin Chenoweth (Glee, Wicked, Pushing Daisies- you name it!). Ok, I am now going to go to bed before I say anything that might jeopardize national security or something. ;) And also leave a memo to myself to never write in my blog when under serious sleep revoir!

WoD: Ornithorhynchus: The Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is a semi-aquatic mammal endemic to eastern Australia, including Tasmania. Together with the four species of echidna, it is one of the five extant species of monotremes, the only mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young...courtesy of Wikipedia.

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