Saturday, April 23, 2011


Ok, so right now I can't satisfy my SOCOM addiction because the playstation network is totally botched! Apparently some hackers penetrated sony's server security and must have done some pretty nasty shiz to keep PSN closed down for almost 4 days now. There is a whole bunch of crap about a hacker group called Anonymous. They are being portrayed as net neutrality saviors, but whoever these hackers are, they are definitely not nice. They are malicious, out to cause destruction and probably gain money. With all the recent server meltdowns, it has me quite worried. If it is this prevalent, then I have to wonder if competitors of companies are secretly hiring hackers to infiltrate and wreak havoc? I suspect the reason sony is not opening the PSN is because the hackers corrupted many files. Files which contained data that denoted account balances and funds. They are scrambling like mad trying to figure out what to do. They must either somehow recover the corrupted data, which seems improbable or find those who are responsible and push the load on them. I am all for net neutrality and can't say that I haven't secretly wished I was personally part of some elite hacker group. Nevertheless, I would never ruthlessly cripple an entire company like that! To me, that is just fundamentally wrong. Sure, I bet it is hilarious to think of all the addicts rocking back and forth, going mad, cussing incessantly at evil nerds for ruining their seemingly brainless activities. Also the Sony guys scrambling to get back up on their feet. It seriously lacks presentation. I thought, today's date didn't even rhyme like "remember, remember the 5th of November." Then I realized it was 4/20 when all this began, so they (whoever they is) did at least pick a significant date. However, I liken it to more like 9/11 than the 5th of November. Nothing valiant, just utter selfishness and destruction. Maybe if Sony had some deep dark secret, I would hack their servers to get proof then release it, but only for the benefit of the public. So who's going to stop these alleged hackers anyhow? Perhaps it's about time to start fighting fire with fire. A great alliance of loyal and valiant hackers, with a mission to stop evil ones from destroying the internet out of greed and selfishness. For the multibillion dollar companies are clearly too incompetent to protect themselves (unless of course my theory is correct and they are secretly waging cyberwar against one another). Then perhaps they should rightfully burn to the ground. If they can't provide a reliable service then they don't deserve to live. Let someone more visionary take control. Someone more competent. Someone who can actually provide a reliable service. May god help us all...

1 comment:

  1. my .02 worth:

    [my information may be based on incorrect assumptions or a lack of understanding of the entire situation, even though i have been following some of sony's recent exploits and ANONYMOUS's backlash]

    i'm not sure, but i'd imagine that ANONYMOUS was not really considering the number of people they'd inconvenience with their actions...but was primarily focused on the disruption of the Sony website: any monetary disruption, or, more importantly, media attention/exposure it brings about some of Sony's recent practices, are the planned result of the attack.

    Additionally, I think the attack was of Denial of Service ( attack which is not really hacking at all...but a means of requesting access to a site's content simultaneously, and repeatedly from tons of computers in attempt to cause a request of information overload and, therefore, give trouble to the server...potentially causing timeouts of legitimate website viewers or other service requestors. potentially, crashing the sony servers(based on your experience, this sounds likely). This type of attack should not do much in the way of corrupting data, based on my understanding. maybe, if a crash resulted, any information which wasn't stored properly (or, written to hdd) may have been lost...but there was no hacking into and intentional data deletion, i think.

    "May god help us all..." << word.

    thanks for posting and sorry if my information is incorrect. it is possible, and won't be the last time.

